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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Modeling (Nicenet)

What drives people to desire a career in modeling or acting? Why do people truly want to be famous?

My Answer: Honestly I can't answer that question anymore because now everyones trying to model only for the money and fame, and the people that actually want to model because its what they love doing are left out. But for those who love modeling and don't just do it for money and fame they desire it cause its something they feel is a challenge to them and it's like they are happy doing it and are working for what they have. The feeling of doing something you like and that your good at is wonderful. Its like asking why do people desire to work in the medical field which would be because they love the fact of helping others.
But like I said now everyones just trying to get into modeling is only because they find it easy and you can get famous faster.

Kristin, Booker High, Sarasota Florida

Monday, April 2, 2007

Abortion comment

::There Response:: FROM: Jennifer Deus
SUBJECT: Abortion

i think that abortion should be legal, i think that it is a girls right to do what she wants with HER unborn child. i don't think that the rest of the United States should get in on her personal life. if a woman cannot support the child, or if she is a teen and doesn't want the embassment of being pregnant at school or dropping out, then yes, she should be able to choose what she wants to do.

::My Response::
Im pro-choice on this subject because it isn't right that if you are young and choose to have sex and get pregnant that you can just have an abortion and get away with it. And if the case is she cant afford it or cant take care of the child then theres always adoption. But then again there should be a time for abortions to be legal when the women is a rape victim and does not wish to carry the baby of some man. But other than that i strongly believe abortion shouldnt be legal.