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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A Drop of Milk

Think Through:

1) I don't understand why he always wanted to defeat man if he created man. What was the point of making man if you just wanted to defeat man.

2)The world was created by a huge drop of milk. But then Doondari came down from above and started creating things which help make new things occur. Such as the creation of stone which evolved into the creation of iron. Then later he created man and then defeated man because he became too proud.


4)In the story there were many defeats. It starts off with blindness being created by Doondari to defeat man but then blindness became too proud. Then sleep was created to defeat blindness but sleep can cancel out blindness because you can wake up and open your eyes and you wont be blind anymore. Then worry was created to defeat sleep because if you worry sleep can't happen. But then to defeat worry they made death because if your dead you can't worry cause you would be dead. But lastly of course like all the other death became too proud so Doondari came back eternal and eternal defeated death.

5)I think he came back as Gueno the eternal, because if your eternal you can't be defeated.

6)I find that people become too proud and forget about things. Also that we all start from nothing and have to build ourselves up but not much people remember and as I said earlier they become too proud.

7)If man had not been proud there would have never been any defeats which would make everyone equal and bland and there would be no progress, nobody would learn from mistakes.

8)Well in all three stories man was created but then of course man has faults but that's looked down upon but then the higher beings of some sort if any try to make them better but then that just causes more problems and defeats.

9)I don't think its very satisfying because nothing was specific and you don't know how it occurs other then defeats and errors in the humans. I think it would have been better if it was more specific.

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