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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Think Throught Pillow Book

1) I think that the most interesting part of the Pillow Book was the dog that was banished to the dog island for chasing a important cat.

2) I believe that Shonagon sent the word to Tadataka because Shonagon does not believe that Okinamero is back.

3) N/A Active Reader.

4) I think that she means that she was suspecting a different reaction. And it surprised her that something she thought was so beautiful was not that important or impressive to other people.

5)Shanagon is her own person and she has a mind of her own which makes her unique. She does her own thing.

6)I think that characteristics of humans haven't changed like being embarrassed. No matter what race, culture, or ethnicity you are people get embarrassed. Another thing is people falling in love. Whether its now in the 21st century or thousands of years ago certain things never change.

Think Through

1) I think that the third poem was more descriptive and used a lot adjectives.

2) I think he was referring to a war. "Land of plague and fever" is about the bodies and the plague that killed them. The "horned dragons" were the enemies.

3) The theme was about a once beautiful palace was destroyed. It talked about, red autumn leaves scattered over the place and about his gold chariot that's now gone.

4)It talks about someone hugging a baby to their chest to muffle her screaming. Which wouldn't appear in a history book because it's not personal.

5)N/A active reader.

6)They both talked about statues/monuments. But on the Jade Flower poem it was about the destruction and Ozymandias was about the building of a statue.

7)Yes they do support this statement.Because he used some heavy topics like war but by using so many small details made it come to life.

8)It related to now at days because there are still wars going on today. So the modern day soldiers and families can relate.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Poems Of Ancient Rome

1) I thought the advice given in the poems were truthful and wise. In the first one it is better to live life and not worry. In the second poem it's true because it means that things always bad forever and that not everything is as bad as it seems.

2)He told Leuconoe to accept whatever is bothering him and have fun and live for the moment. Because something probably happened to Leuconoe which he didn't like or can not accept.

3)I think it means that its better to live with what you have and not rub it into other peoples faces and be thankful because if you rub it in it might be taken away.

4)I think that the "Seize the Day" was more simple to understand and more straight forward to the point then "Better to live...".

5)They both teach because they both have morals in the story. But they are delight because the way he tell the story and uses similes and metaphors.

6)In the first poem he says "...this is the last that breaks the Etruscan sea against the rocks." It made me imagine the sea crashing against rocks in my mind. In the second poem it talked about a giant pine tree swaying in the wind.

7)I think that the second poem was better in the fact that more people forget to live humble and thankful then the other poem that the moral is more common. More people remember to live life. But not everyone remembers were they come from until it's gone.

8)I think it means that you shouldn't make your hopes so big just in case it won't happen. I believe in both sides because if you have big dreams and you really believe you can achieve them then it could be possible. But never the less you shouldn't make them too big and then not get them and get your hopes up and then be disappointed and sad and sob for the rest of your life.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Stereotyping (NiceNet)

Hi My Names Kristin. Where I have grown up and lived for the past 16 yrs. are Saginaw,Michigan (14 yrs.) and Sarasota, Florida (2 Yrs.). In this time i have found a lot of stereotypes and been stereotyped. I personally just think people do it to make themselves feel better because they arent confident. I think people just need to accept every one as who they are. We are all equal, but very unique. We just need to let people be who they want to be and not stereotype.


Sarasota, Florida
Booker High School

Friday, February 9, 2007

My Life (Nicenet)

My life is okay but, can be very stressful and tiring at times. But I would never change it for another. My life is full of new challenges everyday and success. My life consists of my family, friends, loves, and the things I have overcome and achieved. There are some times when I wish I didn't have the life I do but, then I think that there are many other people who are wanting my life and wanting to have what I have and what I live with each and every day. I love my life, and I live every moments to the best if i can.

Kristin Demijohn
Booker High School
Sarasota, Fl

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Analysis of Womens Role

Women in Ancient Greece where looked as inferiors and they were lower then men. They had no opinion they where not aloud to have a voice and speak their mind. The following quote summarizes my point. "Your great glory is not to be inferior to what God has made you, and the greatest glory of a woman is to be least talked about by men, whether they are praising you or criticizing you.

Mandela and Pericles

1) They both honor who they are and where their from. Biko was killed by being beaten to death for his cause and fighting against racial segregation. The soilders where killed for war and for fighting for their country.

2)To remeber the death of Biko was important because it helps to remeber the struggle and to remeber what happend. Nelson wanted a more humane society for his people and for them to get along.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Movies (Nicenet)

A recent movie I have seen was Saw 3. I'd have to say it was alot better then the rest of the series. Basically what this movie showed was the explaination of all three movies. It showed how it began and how its ends. Also its not as graphical and terrifying as the other two. I wouldn't recomment this movie for any one under 13 or if you have a weak stomach. But if you liek scary, nasty movies then WATCH IT.

Booker High School
Sarasota, Florida