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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Think Throught Pillow Book

1) I think that the most interesting part of the Pillow Book was the dog that was banished to the dog island for chasing a important cat.

2) I believe that Shonagon sent the word to Tadataka because Shonagon does not believe that Okinamero is back.

3) N/A Active Reader.

4) I think that she means that she was suspecting a different reaction. And it surprised her that something she thought was so beautiful was not that important or impressive to other people.

5)Shanagon is her own person and she has a mind of her own which makes her unique. She does her own thing.

6)I think that characteristics of humans haven't changed like being embarrassed. No matter what race, culture, or ethnicity you are people get embarrassed. Another thing is people falling in love. Whether its now in the 21st century or thousands of years ago certain things never change.

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