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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Think Through

1) I think that the third poem was more descriptive and used a lot adjectives.

2) I think he was referring to a war. "Land of plague and fever" is about the bodies and the plague that killed them. The "horned dragons" were the enemies.

3) The theme was about a once beautiful palace was destroyed. It talked about, red autumn leaves scattered over the place and about his gold chariot that's now gone.

4)It talks about someone hugging a baby to their chest to muffle her screaming. Which wouldn't appear in a history book because it's not personal.

5)N/A active reader.

6)They both talked about statues/monuments. But on the Jade Flower poem it was about the destruction and Ozymandias was about the building of a statue.

7)Yes they do support this statement.Because he used some heavy topics like war but by using so many small details made it come to life.

8)It related to now at days because there are still wars going on today. So the modern day soldiers and families can relate.

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