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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Egyptian Literature

Critical Thinking
2. The tone of Nu's speech was kind of worried and disturbed, as if he had fear of the after life. The situation is a very important towards the Egyptians because its there thoughts and feelings about what their after life is going to be like.
3. The speaker thinks that Ra should be praised for opening the new horizon and making joyous days.
4. The speaker is delight about dreaming of standing next to her love because she is waiting or wanting to him to purpose to her so that dream will come true.
6. I think the last story "Whenever I leave you, I go out of breath", because all the other story's provide what the characters want not what there feeling and this story is how shes feeling about being with some one and how they make her feel.
7. The ways that the two poems differ are one is talking about being more in the relationship like marriage and the other is talking about the way she feels when she is with or without her love.
8. Egyptians attitudes compare to my society because both of us appreciate everyday life and have the same attitudes towards love.

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