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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Think Through Mahabarata

1)My reaction to Arjuna was he was the smartest one to comprehend what the teacher, Drona, was trying to get her students to do without being specific.

3)Aruja had many traits but he was extremely skilled in using weapons. I think they admired him for that because he could defend himself and hunt.

4)I think Drona was a good teacher because he wasn't obvious he didn't tell you things straight up. He made you think a little. I think his teaching methods where interesting, he kinda liked to trick the students like with the alligator stunt, he was testing them to see who would react correctly.

5)I think Indian parents still say this story to their children how things aren't really as apparent as they seem and to focus and sometimes things are more obvious then you may think and that you shouldn't over think. Because all the students over thought they all answered the question just as Durona was asking it. But he was just trying to trick them. If the task was to aim and shoot at the bird and concentrate on the bird why would you care or see the people around you.

6)Drona reminds me of Mr.Meyagi from karate kid because he gave him tasks that didn't seem important at first but really helped the karate kid later in his fighting.

7)I think the lesson in the story was that not to think too much about the right answer and sometimes things are obvious but we tend to over think. Yes, I believe this moral is true because I myself tend to over think and then i notice that it was really more simple then i made it out to be.

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