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Friday, January 12, 2007

My School =] (Nicenet)

Hi I'm Kristin I attend Booker High School in Sarasota Florida U.S.A.

I come from a school where we are very school spirited. We have spirit day every Thursday, which is where u dress up in your school clothes/colors and represent your spirit and love for the school.

My School is a Hype school. We are offensive when you talk trash about our Booker Nation, or tell us we cant make it.

My School has a VPA center (Visual Performance and Arts program). It Allows students in dance,art and acting and more to move on with what they do best. Its prepares them for the outside world for the majors they have chosen.

My school runs on a block schedule which is we have 4 class periods starting at 7:30Am to 2:15pm. You have two core classes and two elective. It give you a better opportunity to learn more because you have more time for each subjects.

So that's my school =]


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