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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Poems by Sappho

1)I think out of all three poems, that I understood the second one "He Is More Than a Hero" the best. I feel I understood that poem because it made more sence to me and got straight to the point. All in all I also thing I understood it best because it got me interested, unlike the others.

3)In the first poem the speaker is discribing a person and a setting. The person she is talking about is some girl that reminds her of a friend that had moved away and got married. The setting he is describing is the thronging cavalry.

In the second poem the speaker is describing like a situation about there feelings toward someone known as their hero.

The third poem the speaker has described a setting that is the holy temple that seems to be a graceful place.

4) I would have to say "She values intimate moments of friendship." applys to her best because in her first poem it tells how Helen reminds her of an old friend.
Another statement I would say best applys to her is "She appreciates the beauty of nature." because in the third poem she says how the cold springs babble through apple branches.

6)I think Christina Aguilera would do a swell job singing these songs because she has a strong voice and its very powerful. I think it would get the meaning out and more clear.

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