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Wednesday, January 24, 2007


1)I thought it was interesting cause everything he worked for like vanished cause he lost the prikly vine that was sopose to make your youth come back. But he learned from his journey and he engraved it on stone for other people to learn also.

3) Gilgamsh can't accept the fact people die because one its a hard thing to get over especially since it was someone very close to him. Also i think hes affraid of death because he saw the way his friend died and hes scared the same thing will happen to him and he wants to aviod that.

4)He wanted to show him all he has done all he has accomplished being the king of Urk. (this is a guess) Also that he was showing him that it wasnt flooded like they would have expected after the big flood.

5)The event that had the strongest affect on Gilgamesh was obviously the death of his friend Enkidu cause he would have never gone on this journey if he didnt feel reponsible for his friends death.

6)I think he would be a wiser king unlike in the begging when he got ahead of himself. He might also apprecite life more because he knows how short it can be.

7)In our world today we know there is no way to aviod death and we know its coming. And we know theres no way around it unlike Gilgamesh who wanted a cure.

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