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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Writing Options 2

Remembering A Teacher

2.)Recall the best teacher you ever had, in any subject. Think about his or her methods of getting you to excel. Was this teacher like or unlike Drona? Present your ideas in a brief reflective essay.

The Best teacher I ever had would have to be my 5th grade teacher Mr. Ferry. He was a fun and random person. He was my math/social studies/language arts/science teacher because it was elementary school and we didn't switch classes. His methods toward getting his students exceled was making every thing fun, because in his eyes if its fun it will be done, but if lame then it there will be pain. Another method was he made the work hands on activities so that we would understand it better and he would relate it to our interests. This teacher in a way was like Drona because he has his own ways of teaching, but there weren't weird like Drona's. He just used common sence on what will help kids pay attention. All in all due to the way he made every day fun and exciting, I did learn alot in his class.

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